Introduction: Concealed Storage Box

This box is designed to for safe storage of a home defense weapon in any room of your home. This box gives you a way to safely and discretely store a home defense weapon while also giving you instant access if it is ever needed.

The materials that I will use for this project will be made of wood and will make up the sliding face and sides of the box. Using finish I will be able to create a very unique and rustic design. The size of the box will be 16″ wide x 18″ high x 3-1/4″, with added trim. To finish off the box a stain will be added to the wood, as well as a vinyl design on the front sliding face if desired.

Step 1: Step 1: Preparation


  1. A piece of 2X4 pine to serve as the frame of the box ($3.54)
  2. Two pieces of plywood that will fit as the sliding face as well as the back of the box ($26.26)
  3. Wood to use as trim for your box. I used another 2X4 of pine ($3.54)
  4. Finish of your choice ($7.77)
  5. Wood glue ($3.98)
  6. Paint brush ($2.98)
  7. Painters tape. (optional)

Overall Total for Materials: $48.07


  1. measuring tape
  2. pencil
  3. table saw
  4. coarse-grit sandpaper or palm sander
  5. chop saw
  6. clamps
  7. nail gun

Step 2: Step 2: Cut the Frame

Take your 2X4 piece of pine and cut your frame. The dimensions I used were 16"x18".

Step 3: Step 3: Cut Sliding Face

When cutting the sliding face you will need to keep in mind that the sliding face will have to go into the sides of the frame. This is important to take into account for your measurements. For this box I used the measurements 14'X19 1/2".

Step 4: Step 4: Route Out Grooves

The grooves are going to be used to hold the sliding face in place. All the sides of the frame have 1/4" grooves. These were made using a table saw. The side that the handle is placed in I suggest making less deep, this ensures that the face is secure.

Step 5: Step 5: Cut Out Trim

For the trim I used another piece of pine. This is used for the outer edges of your frame to hide the grooves that were routed out on the ends of the sides. I preferred to have my trim 1" thick. Measure the frame from edge to edge and use the table saw to cut your pieces.

Step 6: Step 6: Stain and Sand

Sand and stain your pieces of wood to your desired finish and let dry.

Step 7: Step 7: Glue Box Together

Now that you have all the wood for the box cut you can place them in the box shape you desire. When you have them the way you want them put wood glue on each of the 45 degree angles and stick them together. Also glue your trim edges to the outside. You can use clamps to hold the box in place while it dries.

Step 8: Step 8: Cut Backing

Using the sheet of plywood make a backing for the box. You will need to measure the distance from edge to edge including the trim of the box. For this box I cut out a piece that was 18"X26" using the table saw.

Step 9: Step 9: Attach the Back

Using wood glue or a nail gun attach the backing to the box. Be careful to not attach the back to the sliding handle.

Step 10: Step 10: Final Finish and Stain

Once you have you box put together stain and finish the trim around the edges. I used painters tape to mark off the sections I wanted stained.

Step 11: Step 11: Finished Project

Once your box is dry slide the handle into its grooves and mount your box anywhere desired.

Step 12: Reflection of Work

From this experience I learned how important it is to be efficient with your time. Throughout my project there were challenges that I ran into that I had not expected to occur. Making sure that you allow yourself time for trial and error is very beneficial. I would like to learn how to make routes in the wood that don’t cut all the way through. I know for this specific project that would have been really helpful. Because the cuts in the wood went all the way through I had to add a trim around the edges for a cleaner look. Finding a way to connect all of the routes within the wood would be a challenge, but a skill I think worth learning. I think I really excelled with the designing of this project. This is a project I really wanted to make and use. It is something I take pride in because I am designing at building it myself, so making sure everything is essentially perfect is important to me. I think when adding the trim to the outer edge of the project I could have used a different wood. I know this is partially a fault of mine because I did not have the correct amount of material I originally wanted to use. I really think using a special more exotic wood could have really made the project stand out. I think that the edges of the box could have been cleaner and more flush. I know that when sanding the project the edges tended to round a bit and this could have been the issue.

Overall, I enjoyed this project. I think it is really cool that we are able to create this project on our own. I didn’t enjoy part of the process. I know I got frustrated at times. Especially toward the end. I do regret not using my time as efficiently as I could have. I know I struggled with measurements and cutting the wood. I think that in time these things will come easier. I think this was a great experience of how to manage my time. I learned that you cannot plan for certain challenges to appear, that you have to just face them and work them out when they arise. I often found myself very stressed and frustrated with myself at times throughout this project. This was definitely out of my comfort zone. But at the end I definitely look at it as a learning experience. I feel that this project has helped me grow personally. I am now a little more comfortable when working in the shop than I was at the beginning of the class and am glad I had this experience.