Introduction: Concrete Lego Bricks

About: I make videos on my YouTube channel about all the projects I've made. Check it out Chipped Builds on instagram and YouTube.

Awhile ago I watched a video of someone making candy lego bricks but they didnt interlock. I wanted to try the project and have the bricks interlock. I kept thinking about this project and ended up wanting to try it with concrete and not chocolate.

Step 1: Tools & Materials

1. silicone mix

2. concrete mix

3. sand paper

4. lego base plate

5. lego bricks

Step 2: Mixing the Silicone for the Mold

I decided to make my own mold for this project so I could make various sizes of lego Bricks. My mold holds one pound of silicone which is 16 oz. so you need 8oz of part a and part b. I accidentally did 16oz of both. Next mix the two parts really well so you will get a correct casting. I poured the silicone mix as high as possible to get the bubbles out. After all the silicone was in i tapped the edges to get the air bubbles to the top.

Let the mix try for 24 hours. Once it was dry the legos came out very easily.

Step 3: Mixing the Concrete

I used quikrete 5000 but if I did this again I would use a countertop mix because this one had a lot of big rocks. I separated the big rocks from the mix with a sifter. I added water to the mix and tried to get an oatmeal texture. Next I scooped a little bit of concrete and pushed it down into the mold. I used my hand but you should use a popsicle stick to really push it into the mold

Make sure to vibrate the mold to get air bubbles to the top

I used a base plate to put in the back of the mold to try to add holes so the bricks would interlock. You will want to weigh it down with a heavy object.

Let it dry 24 hours

Step 4: Sanding the Blocks

I honestly was surprised it even remotely worked. Some came out better than other but I'm calling this a success. I sanded some of them down and tried to build a tower.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Concrete Lego Bricks!

Overall, I am very pleased with how these came out. It was mostly an experiment to see if they would even work or not. I really wanted them to interlock like real legos. They sort of did but i think in the future if i spend more time leveling the mix in the mold then it would work better.