Introduction: Conductive Paint Using Dead Batteries

In this instructable, we are going to see how we can make conductive paint using dead zinc chloride batteries.

The main ingredient of this recipe is graphite which is an allotrope of carbon that conducts electricity.

Caution: Always use protective gear when dealing with chemicals


  1. Dead zinc chloride batteries (AA or AAA)
  2. Pliers and a screwdriver with a flat head
  3. Small paintbrush
  4. Container to mix things
  5. Something to stir the mixture
  6. Protective gear
  7. Water

Step 1: Extract Graphite From the Battery

Wear gloves and glasses before proceeding

Use pliers to cut off the upper and the lower ends of the AA or AAA battery

Use a flat head screwdriver to pry open the envelope.

Inside you will find a lot of dry or a slightly moist black material. This is the graphite we want to use to make conductive paint.

Extract the graphite and break the lumps if any, to obtain powder-like consistency.

Step 2: Make the Conductive Paint

Transfer the graphite to a container and mix enough water to make it slime-like. Use this mixture as paint for painting a conductive track.

Let it dry for sometime before moving on to the next step

Step 3: Connect Electronic Components

For the purpose of demonstration, I have connected a battery and an LED in a circuit using conductive paint

A current limiting resistor is not required since graphite has moderate resistance.

Future development:

Combing graphite with conductive plastics for making the conductive paint better.

I hope you liked this instructable. Have a nice day!

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