Introduction: Connect RPI Zero W to Wifi

About: my name is Matthew, I love programming, I also like building stuff and have won the coolest projects in 2016

1.sudo iwlist wlan0 scan (this lets you see all the available wifi networks in your area)

2. Get the ssid and password from your router

3. sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf (this is where you add the wifi network)

4. Go to the bottom of the file and add the following:

network={ ssid="the_name_of_your_router"



5.Sub in your password and router name above

6.sudo wpa_cli reconfigure(this will restart the wpa-supplicant)

7.restart the rpi zero w, if you are talking over usb pull out the one not being used for the power.

*. You can find the ip address of the rpi by going to your default gateway it will ask you for a password and a username which should be on the back of your router with this you should be able to find the ip address.