Introduction: Connected Door Sign

The goal of this project is to make a door sign (to say if people can enter or not) but connected to Wifi (and controlled via a webpage).

[WIP] For the moment, the wifi connection does not work but I design the display and control it via a simple button.

It uses a ePaper display to consume less energy and to display all the time the info.

Step 1: What You Need ?

  1. Arduino board with WIFI
  2. a button, and jumper wires
  3. ePaper display (from Waveshare
  4. the required files :
  5. a SD card

Step 2: Connect and Upload

You just have to :

  1. connect the screen like the Waveshare wiki is showing
  2. connect the button on pin 8
  3. plug you SD card with the two pictures
  4. upload the code with the libraries

That simple! ;)

IoT Builders Contest

Participated in the
IoT Builders Contest

First Time Authors Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Authors Contest 2016

Green Electronics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Green Electronics Contest 2016