Introduction: Constructing a Paper Fortune-Teller

This Instructable will outline step-by-step how to create a paper fortune-teller. This is a great activity to share with kids and can be really fun and very easy.


1. A regular, 8.5x11 piece of paper

2. A pen or pencil

3. (optional) A pair of scissors

Step 1: Make Your Paper Into a Square

Fold a diagonal line from the top of your paper down one side, creating a square.Cut or rip the extra flap left at the bottom of the page. It is no longer needed.

Step 2: Fold Diagonal Lines

Fold another diagonal line across your square piece of paper. There should now be two diagonal lines crossing your square sheet of paper in both directions, intersecting in the middle.

Step 3: Fold in Corners

Fold each of the four corners of your square to the middle point of the paper, indicated by the point where the diagonal lines intersect. (it doesn't have to be exact)

Step 4: Fold in Corners Again

For this step, flip over your piece of paper to the other side and once again fold all four corners inside to the middle point of your piece of paper. (remember to flip over your paper first!)

Step 5: Fold Square in Half Both Ways

With the flaps that you folded in Step 4 facing UP, fold your square piece of paper in half horizontally, then unfold it and fold it again vertically. Make sure you are folding it on the inside and not the outside.

Step 6: Write Numbers on Inside

Unfold the folds you made in Step 5 to open up to your square piece of paper again. Starting in the top-left section of paper, use a pen or pencil to write the numbers 1 through 8 (one number per section), going in a clockwise direction. (there should be eight sections on this side of the paper. If there are only four, you are writing on the wrong side of the paper.)

Step 7: Write Numbers on Outside

Flip the paper completely over to the other side. Starting in the top-left section, write out numbers 1 through 4 with one number on each section of the page, moving in a clockwise direction. (there should be four sections on this side of the paper. If there are more, you are on the wrong side of the paper.)

Step 8: Write "Fortune-Teller Responses"

On the side of your paper that has numbers 1-8, lift up each of the four flaps and write out two "fortune-teller responses" on the inside of each flap. Each response should take up half of the inside of the flaps. These responses can be anything, such as "Absolutely," "Ask Again Later," or "Definitely Not."

Step 9: Prepare Fortune-Teller for Handling

Fold the flaps back in on that side of the paper and fold the entire piece of paper completely in half (once again) vertically on the inside.

Step 10: Insert Hands Into Fortune-Teller

With the paper still folded in half, lift up the four flaps along the outsides of the fortune-teller. Allow these flaps to open up enough so that you can insert a thumb and index finger from each hand into each of the four sections, respectively.

Step 11: Use the Fortune-Teller

There are many ways to use a paper fortune-teller, so it's really up to you. Here is the most basic way:

-Have someone select a yes-or-no question that they would like to know the answer to.

-Have the person pick a number between 1 and 4, as shown on the outside flaps of the fortune-teller.

-Move the fortune teller back and forth between vertical and horizontal positions (as shown in the photos) as many times as corresponds to the number they chose.

-Hold open the fortune teller for them after you have moved it the correct number of times, and now have them select a number out of the numbers shown on the inside of the fortune-teller.

-Again, move the fortune-teller back and forth between vertical and horizontal positions (as shown in the photos) as many times as corresponds to the number they chose.

-Once again, hold open the fortune-teller for them after you have moved it the correct number of times, and now have them again select a number out of the numbers shown on the inside of the fortune-teller.

-Lift open the flap of the number they chose and read the response on the inside of the flap that corresponds to the number that they chose. That is the response that is the correct answer to their question.