Introduction: Control Servo Using PIR Sensor

About: I am an electronic hobbyist on Arduino, Photon, Raspberry Pi and common electronics.A passionate cook.Any assistance in electronics and web development feel free to contact me at

Hi guys, I'm Sridhar janardhan popularly known as Appytechie.I feel privileged to share my first instructables.In today's instructables i am going to deal with the control of servo using a PIR sensor.Where can we implement this idea ?? imagine the working of automatic doors, it required laser light technology sometimes which might be expensive, So to come up with the same function in an affordable cost we have found this circuit that consists of three component and a little bit of coding experience.

So let's get started.

Step 1: Components Required :

The components required for this Instructables are :-

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. PIR sensor
  3. Servo motor
  4. Breadboard
  5. Jumper wire

So after gathering the required component let's get into building the circuit.

Step 2: Connecting the Sensor :

Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) , a sensor that measures infrared light radiating from objects in field. The sensor work upon the temperature changes in the field of its radiation. For example, if a human passes by its field the temperature changes from room temperature to the body temperature this change in temperature is sent as a signal to the Arduino board.

Connection of the PIR sensor to the Arduino board is as follows :-

  • VCC to the positive railings of the Bread board.
  • OUT pin to the Digital pin 12 of the Arduino board.
  • GND pin to the Negative railings of the Bread board.

After implementing the connection of the PIR sensor let's connect the servo motor.

Step 3: Servo Connection :

Servo motors, A specially designed motor to control the angular positions.It has three wires coming out of its case i.e Signal wire(Orange wire), VCC wire(Usually red) and ground wire (Usually black or even maroon ).

The Servo are connected to the Arduino as follows:

  • Signal wire (Orange wire) is connected to the digital pin 4.
  • VCC wire (red wire) is connected to the positive railings of Breadboard.
  • GND wire is connected to the Negative railings of the breadboard.

So before we upload the code into the Arduino make sure we connect the 5v pin on the Arduino to positive railings of the Breadboard and the GND pin of Arduino to the negative railings of the Breadboard.

Step 4: The Output :

Step 5: Leave a Comment Below :

If any of the users are feeling difficult in above project or you need an assistance in any of your electronics project please feel free to leave a comment below.

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