Introduction: Control You Electric Appliances With Your Tv Remote (ir Remote) With Temperature and Humidity Display

hi I am Abhay and it's my first blog on Instructables and today I am going to show you how to control your electrical appliances with your tv remote by building this simple project. thanks to the atl lab for support and providing the material

Step 1: Let Me Explain

Hello! everyone today I am gonna tell you how to control your electrical appliances(tv, fans, light) with you tv ar any other IR(Infrared) remote with the help of Arduino microcontroller. Arduino microcontroller is very popular nowadays because it is easy to understand and you can be used to make innovations. You can even you an nodemcu microcontroller and control your electrical appliances with it (i will make a different blog for it)

Step 2: Arduino

You can use any Arduino(Uno, nano or mega) you want according to your needs or the number of appliances you want you will also need to download the Arduino IDE and also the IR remote library and also the DHT sensor library you can click on these blue link to download them

Arduino IDE

IR remote library

DHT library

you can find all the necessary and purchasing links at the end of this instructable

Step 3: IR Receiver and Remote

Infrared light is everywhere the sun produces it and all kinds of light bulbs and LEDs, if you take your phone's came in front of your tv remote, you can see an led lighting up but you can't see it with naked eyes because infrared light is very close to the visible spectrum or the light which humans can see . these kinds of remotes communicate with the help of codes also called hex codes so we also need a special frequency to transmit out data that is 36khz and a bit higher the magic frequency so the infrared light does not interfere with it and disturb out communication. you can also savage the IR receiver from you tv DVD player or any other IR electronics or just buy one they are not expensive at all i will give you a link to buy one online.

Step 4: Let's Gather the Materials

material name quantity link for purchasing{bangood} and a bit description

arduino Uno 1 I prefer using Arduino nano or pro mini for it

ir receiver and remote 1-1 this package has an transmitter extrasorry!

dht11or dht22 sensor 1

lcd display with male headers 1 you can use on with i2c its easy with it

5k resistor 1 you can find it at your nearest electronics shop

10k potentiometer 1 you can find it at your nearest electronics shop

220v to 9v transformer 1 electronics store

1n4007 diode 8 4 for bridge rectifier and 4 for relays

470uf 50v capacitor 1 for smoothing the dc voltage to pure dc

push button 1 220v 6 amps near your electronics store

220v fuse 1 for safety and professional electronics

fuse holder 1 to hold the fuse

5v relay 4 channel I prefer these ones

wall plug adapter or plug 1 go to the nearest electronics store

socket 4 electronics store

jumpers wires m-m m-f many I don't know maybe electronics store

you will also need a plastic 1 make one or use a sweet box or you can 3d print one

, wood or cardboard box for enclosure


the relay I have used does not have any optocoupler or any type of transistor attached to I have only connected an1n4007 diode attached to the coil connection to prevent the Arduino while the one I have provided the link has a complete PCB and safety features attached to it and also I prefer those ones. the relay I have used are cheap and effective. The second thing I want to say that the infrared receiver I used has some issues receiving the data it does not receives the signal properly so I soldered a 100microfarad electrolytic capacitor to VCC and GND directly the ones I had used was a VS838 lfn ir receiver if you want to know more you can go to the datasheet. you will need to solder a 5kohms resistor to the VCC and signal pin of the dht temperature and humidity sensor to keep the operation reliable.

Step 6: Lets Make Necessary Holes and Slots

after you have mounted all the components inside the box so that they get packet nicely its time to make some necessary holes and slots for the components

three holes have to be made on the side of the box one for the fuse, one for a switch, one for the 220v mains lines to come out.

on the top you will have to make and slot for the LCD, four slots for the sockets, one hole for the DHT wires to go in, one hole for the ir receiver wires to go in, three holes for the trimmer or a potentiometer, you will also need to make holes to mount the sockets in place with screws or you can use hot glue or super glue either, you will also need to make two holes to hold the LCD in place with the help of nuts and bolts, if you wnt you can also create a slot for the usb port of the arduno to come out of the box as I did. sorry but I didn't provide you the pictures of the holes and slots.

Step 7: Let's Begin the Circuit

you can create the circuit from the schematic above but if you want you can also download the fritzing file which i created

Step 8: Find the Hex Codes of Your Ir Remote

after you have done all the wiring and the mounting of the components you now need to find the hex codes of your ir remote so that you can communicate with it. after you have installed the ir remote library go to files-examples-irremote-irrecvdemo and open it and change the receive pin to 0 or the recv pin of the Arduino and upload the code and before uploading the code disconnect the pin on 0 of the Arduino because it creates a problem when uploading

the source code to the Arduino. now open the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE and click the button of you ir remote facing the led towards the ir receiver and you will see a code on the serial monitor write it down you will need it later

take out the hex codes of those buttons through which you want to control your appliances.

Step 9: The Code

after you have got the hex codes of your ir remote. open up the code I had given you in the Arduino IDEand change the codes don't worry I have put some of the details in the code so that it would be easy for you to understand sorry but there is not very many details in the code but if you are facing problem in finding the hex codes you can always search youtube or Instructables. if you have any question or complain ask it in the comments section