Introduction: Control Arduino Using Blynk Via Usb

This is my second instructable. In this instructable i will show how to control LED's using Blynk.

Blynk is application which provides us dashboard as well as connectivity. which you can download it from google play store (for Android).& app store (for apple).using blynk you can control led from any where in world over internet.

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Step 1: Parts

1.Arduino Uno phone & computer.


4.latest arduino ide

Step 2: Blynk Setup

create an account on blynk app.then select buttons according to your requirement and select pins on which led is connected.

email your token to your gmail account.

Step 3:

Download Blynk library.

unzip this zip file and copy all the folders and paste it to arduino ide/ libraries.

then open the sketch in arduino ide from file "examles/blynk/bordandsheilds".select on Arduino serial usb.

then edit the sketch by entering


upload the sketch .

then search blynk-ser.bat file in


edit the line no. 6 enter your serial com no.

(In my case where COM7 is port with my Arduino)

then run the file.

DAM YOU ARE SUCCEFULLY CONNECTTED to blynk connect leds to arduino and

control leds any where in world.