Introduction: Control Your Cat

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Does your cat keep jumping onto the dining room table? Maybe it will gnaw on your hands and ankles? Learn how to control your cat in this Instructable.

Step 1: The Basics

This trick works on almost all cats. If your cat is doing any little thing bad, try the squirt bottle method. Every time he/she is being bad, squirt your cat. it will probably get mad and stop.

Step 2: Jumping on the Table

if your cat is like mine, it jumps on your table, most annoyingly when your eating. You can fix this by when ever the cat jumps on the table, sternly say no and put it on the ground. You may have to do this for a long time, but it should get the idea that no means off the table.

Step 3: Clawing

Luckily, if your cat claws your nice furniture, you have a couple choices. When your cat is old enough, you could have it declawed (you really only need the front claws out), or, a less expensive option is to get a scratching post. it will make the make the cat happy, but keep in mind that it still has sharp claws and is possibly more dangerous than without claws. NOTE: Karox3 pointed out to me that if you get your cat declawed, it is not as protected from other cats as it would be with claws. Due to the many people that have argued with me, I will also point out that declawing WILL temporarily hurt the cat. Depending on it's size and age, the healing stage could be anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

Step 4: Neutering or Spading

I have yet to find a picture for this one. If your cat pees on your walls, Spading or Neutering MAY stop it but check with your vet for options first. If your cat is a wild cat, Spading is pretty much the only option to stop your cat from possibly having babies (for females).

Step 5: Attacking

Does your cat attack you? That can be very painful depending on its strength and if it has claws or not. You should NOT attack back. That only encourages it. A Good way is with the squirt bottle but if your cat does not respond, it may just be normal. Kittens. If your attacking cat is a kitten, it is normal for them to attack. They usual outgrow it. Pain. If your cat is attacking, it may be because of aching joints, toothaches and things like that. Deprivation. if your cat is hungry or thirsty, it may get mad and attack you.

Step 6: Add on Instructable

If you have any extra steps you would like to add please PM me or post a comment. Mario 4 life!