Introduction: Convert TYPO3 to Drupal: Can It Be Easier?

TYPO3 and Drupal are powerful and well-known CMS platforms. Both of them come with some pros and cons which makes each of them worthy to speak about. So, it will be interesting and useful for you to find out which platform will entirely suit your needs.

TYPO3 is a free and open source CMS platform.
TYPO3 is suitable for enterprise websites and intranets.
This CMS platform provides its users with rich flexibility. 
It is possible to manage multi-lingual sites with TYPO3 but its administrator’s UI (User Interface) is considered to be user-unfriendly.
It is also difficult to make some customisations to the web projects. It requires the learning of TypoScript and TemplaVoila.

Drupal is a free open source content management system (CMS) and a content management framework (CMF). It is an extremely popular and powerful platform around the whole world. 9% of all CMS-based websites are developed on Drupal content management system.  With this CMS it is possible to do lots of things, for instance:
You have an opportunity to manage multiple websites in multiple languages.
You can use Drupal for developing networking communities, company sites and many other complicated web projects.
This platform is beloved by many developers for the possibility to customize a website however they want and to create a site of their dreams.
It is also feasible to limit the activity of the site visitors. To do this you can set some rules.
It is also very important to mention that Drupal CMS provides its users with SEO friendly descriptive URLs.

There is no need to create a website from scratch in case you are running one on TYPO3 and now you want a site on Drupal CMS platform. It is possible to migrate your current site to the new one. If you don’t want to miss any data and perform the migration automatedly and effortlessly, then you may try a cms2cms service. Just follow this step-by-step instruction and make sure that it is as easy as pie.

Step 1:

# So, the first step is installing your Drupal website. But with this cms2cms tool you have an opportunity to try a free Demo migration without a target site live.

Step 2:

# Then you will have to register a new account on

Step 3:

# After that you will be able to perform the migration. Don’t worry, it is not difficult. You will be provided with the wizard which will lead you during the whole migration.

Step 4:

# You will be asked to indicate your website URLs in the corresponding fields. Then you will have to install the connection bridge and choose the additional functions. And that’s it. You will be able to run a free Demo Migration or you can skip it and start a Full Migration. This option is up to you.

Step 5:

# If you don’t know what to do next, then these recommendations are for you.

Step 6:

# You have to download the necessary modules which will simplify your website management.

Step 7:

# Now it is time to work for your SEO if you want your new website to be popular and to have high traffic.

Step 8:

# CMS2CMS service doesn’t convert the theme of the site that is why it is necessary for you to download one or with Drupal CMS it is even possible to create the theme yourself.

Step 9:

And that’s it. It is not a difficult job to perform the TYPO3 to Drupal migration. So, make your decision and enjoy the results.