Introduction: Convert a Keyboard From Din to Mini-Din Without an Adapter
So what to do with two keyboards, a soldering iron, and a litle time to waste between CS exams. How about a keyboard cable transplant?
You need:
Two keyboards, one oldie with DIN connector, other newer with mini DIN / PS2 connector
Soldering iron
Solder wick (i hate it but it's all i have for now)
Cutting Plier
Wire Stripping Plier
Phillips Screw Driver
X-Acto Knife
Multimeter or other way to test eletriical continuity
Helping Hands
You need:
Two keyboards, one oldie with DIN connector, other newer with mini DIN / PS2 connector
Soldering iron
Solder wick (i hate it but it's all i have for now)
Cutting Plier
Wire Stripping Plier
Phillips Screw Driver
X-Acto Knife
Multimeter or other way to test eletriical continuity
Helping Hands
Step 1: Prepare the Keyboards
Unsrew both keyboards and carefuly pry the borders of the keyboards if needed.
Step 2: Disconecting....
This is the easiest part of all... Simply disconnect the cables from the boards.
Step 3: Preparing the The Donor Cable
This was the step where i adapt the donor cable to the receptor. As you can see the plugs are complety diferent, so the solution is to solder the donor cable directly in the receptor. Take note of the color code. In my case to find which was which, i used the multimeter in continuity test. Google for the plug layout and the rest is easy. In my case the donor cable had the folowing layout:
Black- Ground
Red- +5V
Green- Clock
White- Data
Cut the plug out, strip and tin the wires.
Black- Ground
Red- +5V
Green- Clock
White- Data
Cut the plug out, strip and tin the wires.
Step 4: Remove Receptor Board Plug
With a soldering iron and the solder wick carefuly dessolder the plug.
Step 5: Solder the Cable and Reassemble the Receptor Keyboard
I think i don need to explain how to do this. It's just soldering the cable to the receptor board. Then reassemble the keyboard and your done! BTW, im using said keyboard th write this.