Introduction: LED Calculator Mod

About: Comment what I should make. I will try to make anything with what I have.

This mod will show you how to put LEDs in your calculator.

Step 1: Get What You Need

You need-
One calculator, small wires. 2 LEDs,screw driver, tape

Step 2: Unscrew

Unscrew the back of the calculator make sure no buttons fall out.

Step 3: Take It Off

Take the styrofoam off the back of the screen.

Step 4: Cut a Hole in the Top

Cut a hole in the top so the wires can go through.

Step 5: Get the Leds

I put 2 blue LEDs in parallel

Step 6: Tape Them

Tape the LEDs to both sides of the screen.

Step 7: Direct the Wires

Direct the wires with through the hole we made earlier.

Step 8: Screw It

Screw the Calculator Back together.

Step 9: Twist a Battery Pack

Twist a battery packs 2 wires onto the wires of the LEDs. U can make a battery pack in my Annoying 9volt battery prank project.

Step 10: Tape the Battery Pack On

Tape the battery pack to the back of the calculator.

Step 11: Put It On

When it is connected with a 9 volt battery the screen will glow blue. We are not using the batteries inside the calculator because they are not powerful enough.