Hello Instructables community, and welcome to a collection of fun projects for fathers/mothers to do with their Cub Scouts/sons (or daughters)! A bit about the inspiration for this Collection: As I follow this whole "Maker/DIY" movement, I'm realizing that (1) I'm less interested in the digital design tools I've tried so far than that actual hands-on stuff, and (2) what's more important to me is the process (i.e. the quality time with my son) than what we actually make together.
To that end, I…
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Hello Instructables community, and welcome to a collection of fun projects for fathers/mothers to do with their Cub Scouts/sons (or daughters)! A bit about the inspiration for this Collection: As I follow this whole "Maker/DIY" movement, I'm realizing that (1) I'm less interested in the digital design tools I've tried so far than that actual hands-on stuff, and (2) what's more important to me is the process (i.e. the quality time with my son) than what we actually make together.
To that end, I thought I'd create a collection for some of the projects I'm working on with my son, many of which cover classic Cub Scout project ideas. I'm also adding in other projects from around the Instructables community that explore the same topics. My daughter is a bit younger, so I'm sure we'll have some Brownie projects in here too within a year or so--at which point I'll rename the Collection :) Stay tuned for more, and please add your own suggestions.