Introduction: Cool Little Shelter in Mcpe
This is a cool little shelter that i made in mcpe whilst just messing around, i hope you enjoy it and please comment improvements :-)
Step 1: Base
the pictures should be pretty self expanitory, first you need to place two rows of stairs, thes need to be 3 blocks long. Then you need to place a furnace and a stone cutter at one end and a crafting table at the other.
Step 2: Start of the Structure
Add a bed in the middle and build up one block of fence all the way round.
Step 3: Roof
using stairs build the roof like in pics, leave a hole in the middle
Step 4: Chest
now place a double chest in the roof
Step 5: Door
add a door and ypur done:-)
please follow me if you lile this and i will do more instructables