Introduction: Cow Mask for Cow Appreciation Day
Hi thanks for viewing this instructable!
Step 1: Supplies
You will need:
A skewer
Hot glue
Pink highlighter
Black sharpie
Step 2: Eye Holes
Draw two holes that are about the size of your eyes. Cut them out.
Step 3: Coloring
Color spots on the cow, and his nose. Color the nose in with the pink highlighter.
Step 4: Skewer-ing
Cut the pointy end if the skewer off. And then cut the stick in half. Now glue half of the stick to the plate. As shown above.
Step 5: Done!!!
Now you are done! Wear to chic-fil-a and get free food!!!! YUM!
Follow and favorite, and do not forget to do the same for my friend mkitty!