Introduction: Cradle Swing Auto Rocker

About: I wish I did this earlier...!!!

Hello all,

This is my very first post.... so very excited about it!!!

I am relatively new to the community and being from electronics
background, I really wish I have discovered Arduino much earlier, when I had
more time on my side ;)

I think this project really saw some success (after trying out
and auto car and a self-balancing bot), because I built this for my son :)

OK, here goes...

Step 1: Motivation

We received a swing for our 6 months old from his Grand Pa and

soon enough we realized that unless we keep swinging it, this lil guy was unhappy

So I wanted to create an instrument that will provide a tug to
the rope attached to the bottom of the swing.

Step 2: Supplies:

Step 3: Code

Here is the Arduino code.