Introduction: Crayandle
Step 1: Supplies
3 unused or slightly used crayons
Cotton string
Step 2: Crayons
Lay three crayons side by side, and measure string to fit the three crayons.
Step 3: String
Cut string to desired length (preferably small).
Step 4: Tape
Break off a piece of tape, lay sticky side up, and put two crayons on it so they both stick.
Step 5: String
Place the length of the string on the two taped crayons so that it is inside of the middle of the crayons.
Step 6: Third Crayon
Carefully place the third crayon on top of the two others and the strings so that it rests on the other two.
Step 7: Tape
Slowly wrap the tape around all three crayons and be careful not to move them.
Step 8: Wire
Select a desired length of wire (6 inches)
Step 9: Wrap
Slowly wrap the wire tightly around the three crayons so that they are held together at the top.
Step 10: Wrap
Now do the same thing down by the tape.
Step 11: Remove Tape
Slowly remove the tape and adjust the wires so that the top is near the half mark and the top of the crayons, and move the bottom wire so that it is close to the bottom of the crayons.
Step 12: Trim String
Trim the string so it is close to the tips of the crayons.
Step 13: Light
Light the string and make sure that it stays lit for a few seconds, in a survival situation, this can burn for around 1 hour.
Step 14: After
You can light these in the dark and produce quite a bit of heat.
Step 15: Extra
You could also burn a single crayons at the paper that will last for 30 minutes.