Introduction: Crayon Melting Art

About: hey hey im floppyty i love to make video game props on my spare time and i also do stained glass. i do woodworking and metal working too. a have lots of building experience been doing random stuff for probably…
This is the crayon melting art. its all over the internet so i decided to try it out. it cost me about $30 for all the materials and the heat gun i had already. if kids involved please use care with the hot glue gun and heat gun VERY HOT.

Step 1: Crayon Melting Art

Materials you need are as shown:
  • One canvas (I used a stretched one with wood frame)
  • Hot glue gun
  • glue sticks for glue gun
  • crayons ( I used a 96 pack you dont need them all)
  • Heat gun*******use with caution very hot******

Step 2: Crayon Melting Art

Sort out crayons in order you wish or color coordination. 

Step 3: Crayon Melting Art

begin gluing crayons with glue gun after sorting crayons. i did mine from left to right and glue them so the crayola logo was showing as seen. again glue very hot.

Step 4: Crayon Melting Art

When all are glued it is time to use the heat gun and begin to melt the crayons. put heat gun on lowest setting so that its not blowing to hard. make sure you set the canvas kinda vertical so it will drip down.

Step 5: Crayon Melting Art

go nice and slow and get the dripping that you would like you will find that you need to blow more down then straight at the crayons for more dripping affect.

Step 6: Crayon Melting Art

Once you melt the crayons the way you like let canvas sit for about 2 minutes then is will be cool and ready to show everyone.

Step 7: Crayon Melting Art

Hang on your wall or make a frame for it and people will love it and fun for kids to just have to be very careful thanks \m/