Introduction: Create Basic "Hello World" App From Scratch in Flutter

Hello guys, I have created Flutter Tutorial for Beginners.

If you want to start flutter development now then this will help you Flutter Tutorial for Beginners.

Step 1: Introduction

Flutter is Google's mobile SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
In this codelab, you'll create a simple Flutter app. If you are familiar with object-oriented code and basic programming concepts such as variables, loops, and conditionals, you can complete this codelab. You don't need previous experience with Dart or mobile programming.

Step 2: What You'll Learn in This Article.

1) How to setup flutter environment on Windows Install flutter on Windows.

2) How to Create and Configure Android Virtual Device.

3) Basic understanding of Flutter and Widgets.

4) Create Basic "Hello World" app.

Step 3: Create Flutter Environment on Windows

To create project make sure you have install flutter required things.

If you have not create setup yet then please go through Install Flutter on Windows.

Step 4: Create and Configure Android Virtual Device(AVD)

Once you create setup then make sure you have created one Android Virtual Device (AVD). If you have not create yet Or you don't have idea about this then don't worry we have solution for this also Create and Configure Android Virtual Device.

Step 5: Go Through Basic of Flutter and Widgets.

Before start you need to understand basic concept of Flutter and Widgets.

In above video Widgets are explained.

Covered both type of Widgets

1) Stateful Widgets

2) Stateless Widget.

Go through this link to understand basic.

Step 6: Create Basic Stateless "Hello World" App.

In above video step by step "Hello World" app get develop.

Following steps are get covered in above video:

1) Simply write "Hello World" in home.

2) Then using Stateless widgets added "Hello World" text in one Scaffold.

3) Then Using AppBar giving that app a proper look.

Step 7: Thank You..

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