Introduction: Create a 3d Model of a Heart Shaped Spinning Top and Animate This for Valentines Day.
Step 1:
Create a new part and sketch a large heart shape.
Step 2:
Solid extrude and place in an assembly
Step 3:
Create a new part and sketch a heart, but without sharp edges.
Step 4:
Create a solid sweep and add points like in the image, mirror this to create a heart shaped wire.
Step 5:
Assemble the wire in the assembly like in the image using mechanism connection: 6DOF. Use only Csys alignment and manually drag the wire on top of the extrude. Tip: Use “Drag Components constraints” after mating to align the wire to the ASM planes.
Step 6:
Use the lowest point on the wire to create a 3d-contact with the floor. Don’t forget to add a small friction.
Step 7:
Use the other points on the wire to create additional 3d-contacts with the floor. Don’t forget to add a slightly larger friction.
Step 8:
Activate Mechanism Application (make sure you have Mechanism Dynamics license enabled). Define an Initial Condition: a vertical Angular velocity of 5000 deg/sec.
Step 9:
Create a new Dynamic Analysis and use the earlier created initial condition state in the configuration.
Also have friction and gravity enabled in the Ext. Loads tab.
Also have friction and gravity enabled in the Ext. Loads tab.
Step 10:
Run the simulation, when satisfied with the behaviour, use the results to create an animation or export the results as .FRA file to load in Keyshot for rendering like I did.