Introduction: How to Create a DTXMania Song Simfile
This tutorial will show you how to easily create a song or simfile for DTXMania with Guitar Pro by converting MIDI to DTX file.
DTXMania is a free japanese Guitar Hero-like rhythm game but for drums trainings only.
The PC game is available for Windows and a non official android version is also available for japan only.
You can find 3 versions:
DTXMania v3 (simple version), DTXMania XG VerK and Gitadora (advanced version)
Let's get started !
Step 1: Export a MIDI File
You need to convert your drum sound or partition into MIDI format.
You can easily export a MIDI file using GuitarTux (a free alternative to Guitar Pro).
This step will save you a lot of time and effort.
- Search and download your guitar pro instrumental on .
- Open the file with GuitarTux, remove all the tracks (guitar, bass etc.) located at the bottom and leave only the drums.
- Click File -> Export ->MIDI
Step 2: Convert the Midi File to DTX File Using the Program MIDI2DTX
You can download MIDI2DTX here
Step 3: Create the Folder for Your Song
- Put the DTX FIle in it (.dtx format)
- Download a random DTXmania simfile on internet and copy the sound effects (.XA) to your new song folder
- Download the mp3 audio of your song and put it in your song folder. This will be your background music (BGM).
Step 4: Edit Your DTX File in DTXCreator
- Open your DTX file in DTXCreator (usually found in the same folder as DTXMania)
- Go to WAV tab and asign the mp3 audio in the 1st row as your background music (BGM).
- On the drum chart, there's a BGM section. Click at what moment you want the audio to start playing.
Step 5: Sync the Audio With the Notes. This Is the Most Important Part.
- Hit the play button to verify if the drum hits are synced correctly
- If the notes are late, right click on any part of the chart and click "add/remove part" or "change part lenght" to increase or decrease the duration of that part.
Step 6: Once Your Music Is Perfectly Synced, Time to Add the Sound Effects
Sound effects are in .XA format.
- On the WAV tab, locate the note numbers that appear on the drum chart.
- Each columns correspond to a part of your drumset.
- On the table in the left, assign each number to a its corresponding sound effect.
- When you are done, save and close the program.
Now you can put your song folder/simfile in the game folder and open DTXPlayer to start playing.
Note: if you are not sure what sound effects to use. Check the guitar pro tab/partition in Guitar Tux.