Introduction: Creating DIY Sandbags for Your Light Stands
Sandbags for light stands can cost anywhere from $15-30 or more. And if you've gotten into making your own PVC light stands, it really doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money to hold them down. I'm going to show you how to make sand bags in about 10 minutes. Total cost? How's $2 or less do you?
Step 1: What You Need
Here's the list of what you need:
1 roll of duct tape (I got mine at the local Dollar store)
1 box of Gallon Zip lock bags (again, at local dollar store)
That's it!
I have two rolls showing because I made two bags.
1 roll of duct tape (I got mine at the local Dollar store)
1 box of Gallon Zip lock bags (again, at local dollar store)
That's it!
I have two rolls showing because I made two bags.
Step 2: The Handle ...
First thing you want to do is make the handle. It'll take three strips of tape about 13-15" long. Start with one strip and fold in thirds on top of each other to make a strap. Make a second and stack them. You can use some tape to put them together. Now, take the strap you've made and lay it on top of the third. Make small cuts about 1 1/2" from the end and fold the middle over the straps to seal. Set aside.
Step 3: The Bag
Now it's time to reinforce the bags. Sand is heavy and it's not likely to last without reinforcement. Start with the bottom seam and then the sides. Once done, use duct tape up both front and back to make a bag. Stop about 3 inches from the top.
Repeat for the second bag.
Repeat for the second bag.
Step 4: Fill Bags With Sand
Now you want to fill both bags with sand. But you don't need to fill it up all the way. Sand is pretty heavy and you want to remember you're working with duct tape here. Filling half way will do the trick. It's also a lot easier to handle during the next step.
Step 5: Put the Bags Together.
Lay both bags flat opposite one another and overlap the sealed tops. Use strips of duct tape to join them together on both sides.
Step 6: Attach Handle
Decide which side will be the interior side and begin to attach the handle with small stips of duct tape. You should have about 2-3 inches to tape down on each side and it helps to make sure they are balanced.
Step 7: You Are Done!
There you have it! A sandbag which will hold down you PVC light stand! And at under $2 a bag, you can make as many as you need!
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