Introduction: Creating a Digital Thermometer With Arduino

Did you ever imagine making their own digital thermometer? With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, all that nothing is impossible.
This time the project is to create your own digital thermometer with Arduino. That must be learned in this tutorial is a LM35 temperature sensor and LCD 16x2 pin configuration. You must have the Arduino board and 16x2 LCD.

You can assemble it first on breadboard, like this picture:

This is for coding:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Library LCD

LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7); //configuration pin Arduino to LCD
int adc0, temp; //adc0 adalah pin analog0
void setup(){
lcd.begin(16,2); //Initialize the LCD size used is the type of 16x2
lcd.print("Suhu Ruangan");
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Set the column 1 and row 2
lcd.print("Temp:"); //Displays the value of the temperature
void loop (){
adc0 = analogRead(0);
temp = (adc0*5)/10; //In the conversion to Celsius
lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
lcd.print(" Celcius");
delay(500); //Refresh readings from sensors

How it works:
On the LCD will display the words "Suhu Ruangan" and line 2 display "Temp: 30 Celsius" according temperature measured.

The program reads the analog input pin A0 connected because the temperature sensor is connected to analog pin A0.


Because adc0 still a digital data then needs to be changed to that multiplying it with a 5V voltage, because the voltage that is used for sensor LM35 amounting 5V.


Furthermore displayed on lcd line 2 and column 6. And given a delay of 500 milliseconds to refresh the readings from the sensor.

This is for video:

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