Introduction: Creative MuVo Mouse Dock

I have an old 128MB Creative MuVo MP3 Player but the battery contacts are all corroded, possibly because of an old battery left there for too long. I could just replace the contacts but, heck, why not make something nice out of it. Also, it uses a single AAA battery - quite expensive and won't last long, well , at least for me.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Since I was back at home for the holidays, I dug through my stuff I had in college and found an old PS/2 mouse. Perfect!

Here are the rest of the stuff I needed:
-slide switch
-super glue
-AA Battery
-2 x AA Battery holder (cut the other half since I only need a single AA battery)

Step 2: Assemble

1) Remove PS/2 mouse innards

2) Cut 2 slots on the side of the mouse for the slide switch and the USB connector - held them in place with a glue. For the battery holder, I used a double sided adhesive tape.

3) Connect the (-) battery terminal to the muvo dock and the (+) terminal to one end of the switch, the other end of the switch goes to the (+) terminal in the muvo dock.

Step 3: Close the Mouse

Here's how is should look like.

Step 4: Test

1) Plug-in the MuVo MP3 player

2) Turn the dock switch on

3) Power up the MP3 player

Step 5: Enjoy!

Without the MuVo player and the headphones, it could easily be mistaken for an ancient wireless mouse.