Introduction: Credit Card IPhone Stand

About: I like to make things for the internets. I also sell a pretty cool calendar at You'll like it.
If you have a membership card that's expired and is just taking up space you can turn it into your own iPhone or iPod stand with just a few cuts.

I used a Dremel to get the job done here, but you can easily do the same thing with a pair of scissors. A hole punch would be handy as well.

All, right let's make this thing!

Step 1: The Membership Card

Duane Reade is New York's "#1 Drug Store" and that's great for them, but I live in Califronia so it's perfect fodder for a project.

Here you can see the main card as well as the two smaller ones that you can put on your keychain.

Step 2: Notch the Big Card

First step here is to cut a couple notches in the big card. I used a Dremel with a cut-off wheel for this.

Step 3: Notch the Smaller Cards

I clamped the two keychain cards together and used the cut-off wheel again to cut a couple of angled notches in the cards.

Step 4: Cut Out the Holder

Now we need to cut out a space for the iPhone to go into. I used the Dremel again here.

Alternative: Use a hole punch to punch out the curved bottom of the notch and use a pair of scissors to cut out the rest.

Step 5: Put It All Together

Slide the big card into the notches on the two keychain cards and your stand is ready to go!

Step 6: Add IPhone

Now just drop your iPhone or any other iPhone-shaped gadget and you're good to go!

I originally planned on the phone resting on the big card, but the notches in the front held it on their own. It's still nice to have the full-size card in the back as you can use it to guide the phone into the notches.

That's it, now your iPhone can stand up for itself!