Introduction: Creepy Paper Mache Mask - Silent Hill Nurse
DIY - Halloween costume idea.
I love anything creepy and kind of a nerd too. :) I decided to make my own mask to complete this creepy nurse costume. (Silent Hill) I know, I know.....this costume needs a lot more blood and gore, but unfortunately I didn't have shirts to ruin at the moment. lol
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies!
- Paper
- Flour
- Water
- Salt
- Balloon
- Or you can make one by pressing some tin foil over your face to make a more defined mask
- Craft supplies - paint and paint brush
Step 2: Let's Get Started!
- Make your glue mixture. Add flour, water and a little bit of salt in a bowl and whisk well. I never measure the quantity of the ingredients, I just kind of eye ball it. Watery consistency.
- Cut your paper in strips.
- I always cover my work area with newspapers or an old table cloth first. This can get very messy! beware.....
- Dip your paper strips in the glue mixture and cover your balloon or mask. Pretty easy, right?
- Make sure to allow the first coat to dry very well before applying a 2nd or 3rd paper layer.
- When you are satisfied with the thickness of your mask, you can now decorate! The fun part.