Introduction: Crispy Prawns in Hot Chillie Sauce
take some cleaned prawns and marinte by adding salt,flour,cornflour,pepper,soya sauce n 1 egg n keep asid 4 half hour..then fry that prawns in deep vegetable oil.
making -
and den in another wok add litl vege oil n add chopd ginger n garlic n clove crushd togathr n fry fw mts until it aromatic ad lil sugar too,aftr tht add chillie sauce,tomato sauce,soya sauce,sesami oil,oyster sauce n stir stil it boil..and den ad d fried prwans n mix by adin little ajinamoto....
..without marinating..part it vl tak 15 mts to finish dis dish..:).serve with hot!!
take some cleaned prawns and marinte by adding salt,flour,cornflour,pepper,soya sauce n 1 egg n keep asid 4 half hour..then fry that prawns in deep vegetable oil.
making -
and den in another wok add litl vege oil n add chopd ginger n garlic n clove crushd togathr n fry fw mts until it aromatic ad lil sugar too,aftr tht add chillie sauce,tomato sauce,soya sauce,sesami oil,oyster sauce n stir stil it boil..and den ad d fried prwans n mix by adin little ajinamoto....
..without marinating..part it vl tak 15 mts to finish dis dish..:).serve with hot!!