Introduction: Crochet a Dress With A-Line Motifs Skirt

I crocheted a tiny fish,
a bookmark,
a frame,
a lampshade
It's time to crochet a dress!

For a long time I did not dare to crochet something big. I just admired crocheted dresses of famous designers and thought that well, no, I am not able to crochet a dress. It's so difficult! No one has written a description of how to crochet such a dress as I want and which would suit me! The time has come to figure everything out and write such an instructable. This instructable is suitable for crocheting a dress with a skirt made of hexagon motifs.

P.S. I'm tired of fighting with sites that steal my instructables regardless of the license (which is indicated in the upper left corner). Sorry but I decided to add attribution to my photos. I know it looks a little annoying, but it annoys me even more to see my works under someone else's authorship or for sale.


light blue and white yarn, 100% cotton,

a crochet hook,

light blue and white thread



Step 1: Planning

1. Pattern
First you need to decide on the pattern, because your dress should have a pattern that you really like. At a time when I still did not know how to crochet, I really liked the pattern of Rebecca Taylor's dress Summer Marshmallow. Of course, I wanted a slightly different dress, with a different style, a different color, a different length. But I decided on the pattern. You can choose any other hexagonal motif.

2. Dress style
If you are crocheting a dress for the first time, then it is better to plan a skirt that is not too long. Choose a dress style that suits your figure. I decided to crochet a knee-length A-line skirt.

3. Yarn
Decide which yarn you will be crocheting. I decided to use natural cotton yarn. (Silk yarn is much more difficult to crochet than cotton yarn)
Next, decide on the density and color of the yarn. Crocheted cloths add a little volume to the figure. The motif pattern for this dress consists of a large number of volumetric elements (popcorn stitches), so I took the soft, slightly twisted yarn for the skirt (so that the popcorn stitches would not bulge so much and would not add even more volume to the hips), color - light blue. For the top, I chose white mercerized cotton yarn.

Do not forget to choose the right hook for your yarn.

4. Taking Measurements
You need to take measurements:

  • waist circumference (cir),
  • hips cir,
  • bust cir
  • under bust cir,
  • shoulder width,
  • shoulder to bust,
  • armhole cir,
  • upper back width,
  • shoulder to waist,
  • waist to bust,
  • waist to armhole,
  • waist to above knee.

Step 2: Crocheting the Motifs

The skirt of this dress will be formed from many crocheted parts - motifs, connected together. You have to determine the crocheting density and calculate the number of the motifs. To begin the calculations, you need to first crochet control sample of pattern - one motif.

You will need to know how to make:

    • chain (ch),
    • slip stitch (sl st),
    • double crochet (dc),
    • popcorn stitch (with 6 dc) (pc),
    • finish off crochet.

    Hexagon Motif

    Work in rounds, do not turn (see photos).

    Crochet 6 chains (ch), 1 slip stitch (sl st) in first ch to form a ring.

    1st round (rnd): 3 ch (lift loops), 3 double crochet (dc) in one chain, * 4 dc in one chain. Repeat (rep) from *. 1 sl st.

    2nd rnd: 3 ch (lift loops), 1 ch, * 1 dc, 1 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    3rd rnd: 3 sl st to move in 3th loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, * skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    4th rnd: 1 sl st to move in next loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, * skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    5th rnd: 1 sl st to move in next loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 popcorn stitch (pc), 2 ch, * skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    6th rnd: 1 sl st to move in next loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch,* skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    7th rnd: 1 sl st to move in next loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 3 ch, 1 pc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 pc, * skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 3 ch, 1 pc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 pc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    8th rnd: 2sl st to move in 2nd loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 pc (with 5 dc), skip 1 loop, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 ch, 1 dc, 2 ch, * skip 2 loops, 1 pc, skip 1 loop, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 ch, 1 dc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    9th rnd: 1 sl st to move in previous loop, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 pc (with 5 dc), 4 dc, 1 ch, 4 dc, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, * skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 4 dc, 1 ch, 4 dc, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    Finish off crochet.

    So that the edges of the skirt are even (top and bottom edges), you will need to crochet halves of the motifs.

    Halve of the Motif

    Work in rows (with turning).

    Crochet 5 chains (ch), 1 slip stitch (sl st) in first ch to form a ring.

    1st row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 4 dc in one loop. Repeat (rep) from * 2 times. 1 dc.

    2nd row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 1 dc. Rep from *.

    3rd row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    4th row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    5th row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    6th row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 3 dc in one loop, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    7th row: 3 ch (lift loops), 2 ch, 3 dc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 3 ch, 1 pc in the same loop, 2 ch, * skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch. Rep from *. Skip 3 loops, 3 dc in one loop, 2 ch, 1 dc.

    8th row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 3 dc in one loop, skip 4 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, skip 1 loop, 3 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    9th row: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, 4 dc, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 4 dc. Rep from *. 1 ch, 1 dc.

    Finish off crochet.

    So, one motif contains 9 crocheted rounds (rows in half motif). A-line of the skirt will be formed by increasing the number of these crocheted rounds in the motifs of each subsequent level of joined motifs. At the top of the skirt, I connected motifs with 6 crocheted rounds, increasing the number of crocheted rounds to 9 at the bottom of the skirt. This way you can increase or decrease the expansion at the bottom of the skirt. For example, if you want the skirt to expand a lot at the bottom, then start at the top with a small number of crocheted rounds in motifs (2-3) and vice versa, if you want a skirt without flaring, then do not change the number of crocheted rounds too much.

    Wash the crocheted motif (control sample), dry it and measure how long you got it. Depending on how long and wide your skirt should be at the bottom, calculate how many 9-row motifs you need for that width. Calculate how many rows you need to reduce for this number of motifs so that the skirt fits on your hips and waist (check your hip circumference, length from waist to hips, waist circumference).

    My calculations:

    I Round of motifs (top of the skirt - near waist): 5 halves of motifs with 5 rows in the motif,

    II Round of motifs: 10 motifs with 6 rounds in the motif,

    III Round of motifs: 10 motifs with 7 rounds in the motif,

    IV Round of motifs: 10 motifs with 8 rounds in the motif,

    V Round of motifs: 5 motifs with 9 rounds in the motif + 5 halves of motifs with 9 rows in the motif.

    Crochet the required number of motifs.

    Step 3: Connection of the Motifs

    Connect the motifs in rounds according your calculations (see photos). Arabic numerals in my photo indicate the number of crocheted rounds in the motif. I connected the motifs by crocheting it together (using the same yarn).

    Step 4: Crocheting the Frill

    One part of pattern needs 9 dc at the beginning. Crochet control sample of the pattern (without turning). Then wash, dry, measure and calculate the wide of the frill you want.

    You will need to know how to make:

    chain (ch),

    slip stitch (sl st),

    simple crochet (sc),

    double crochet (dc),

    popcorn stitch (with 6 dc) (pc),

    finish off crochet.

    The Frill:

    Work in rounds, do not turn.

    1st round (rnd): add to the bottom of the skirt double crochets (dc). Crochet so many dc on the bottom of the skirt so that it is divided by 9.

    2nd rnd: 3 ch (lift loops), * 2 dc in one loop, 3 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 3 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 4 loops, 2 dc, 1 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    3rd rnd: 1 ch (lift loops), * 1 sc, 3 ch, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 3 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 3 ch, skip 5 loops, 2 sc. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    4th rnd: 1 ch (lift loop), * 1 sc, 3 ch, skip 6 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 3 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 3 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 3 ch, skip 6 loops. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    5th rnd: 5 sl st to move in next loops, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 dc in one loop, * 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in one loop. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    6th rnd: 2 sl st, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 dc, * 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 2 dc, 1 ch, skip 5 loops, 2 dc. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    7th rnd: 2 sl st to move back, 3 ch (lift loops), * 2 dc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    8th rnd: 2 sl st to move back, 3 ch (lift loops), 2 dc in one loop, * 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    9th rnd: 2 sl st to move in next loops, 3 ch (lift loops), * 2 dc, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 3 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 5 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 2 loops. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    10th rnd: 2 sl st to move in next loops, 3 ch (lift loops), * 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 2 ch, skip 5 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 pc, 2 ch, skip 2 loops, 1 dc, 2 ch, skip 5 loops, 2 dc in one loops, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 3 ch, skip 4 loops. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    11th rnd: 2 sl st to move back, 3 ch (lift loops), 1 dc, * 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 11 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 4 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop. Repeat from *. 1 sl. st.

    12th rnd: 2 sl st to move in next loops, 3 ch (lift loops), * 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, 1 ch, skip 5 loops, 2 dc in one loop, 1 ch, 2 dc in the same loop, skip 5 loops. Repeat from *. 1 sl. st.

    13th and 14th rnds: * 5 ch, 1 sc in next arch. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    15th rnd: * 5 ch, 1 pc in the arch. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    Finish off crochet.

    Step 5: Crocheting the Top

    One part of the pattern for the top needs 8 loops. You have to determine the crocheting density and calculate the number loops and rows for the top. Crochet control samples of pattern: a square with sides of 10x10 cm or more (without turning). Wash, dry, measure and calculate (see under bust circumference).

    You will need to know how to crochet:

    • chain (ch),
    • slip stitch (sl st),
    • single crochet (sc),
    • double crochet (dc),
    • finish of crochet.

    1st rnd: double crochet (dc). Crochet so many dc on the top of the skirt so that it is divided by 8 and fits your measurements - under bust circumference.

    2nd and 3rd rnds: 3 ch (lift loops), * 1 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 dc. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    4th and 5th rnds: 3ch (lift loops), 4 dc, * 1 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 1 loop, 5 dc. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    6th and 7th rnds: Rep 2nd and 3rd rnds.

    8th and 9th rnds: 3 ch (lift), * 1 ch, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, 1 ch, skip 1 loop, 5 dc. Rep from *. 1 sl st.

    Finish off crochet.

    To increase the volume on the bust (see bust circumference, waist to bust), make increases in front several times (see photo).

    Crochet rounds up to armholes (waist to armhole), then crochet front turning (rows). The same crochet without turning back (making armholes check armhole circumference). Then form neckline. Check if all is ok and the top fits you. Connect shoulders.

    Edge crocheting

    Crochet control samples of pattern: a square with sides of 10x10 cm or more (without turning). One part of pattern for edge crocheting needs 3 arches.

    1st rnd: 1ch (lift loop), * 2 ch, 1 sc. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    2nd rnd: 1 ch (lift), 1 sc, 3 ch, * 1 sc in the next arch, 3 ch. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    3rd rnd: 1 ch (lift loop), 1 sc, * 5 ch, 1 sc in the next arch, 3 dc in the next arch, 1 ch, 3 dc in the same arch, 1 sc in the next arch. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    4th rnd: 2 sl st to move in arch, 1 ch (lift), 1 sc in the same arch, * 1 ch, 1 dc in the next arch, 1 ch, 1 dc in the same arch, 1 ch, 1 dc in the next arch, 1 ch, 1 dc in the same arch. Repeat from *. 1 sl st.

    Finish off crochet.

    Step 6: Final Details and Enjoing the Work Done

    Hide the ends of the yarn: fix (sew) and then cut off the excess. Hand wash your new crochet dress.

    Sew the lining (I want to make a separate instructable on how to sew the lining for a crocheted dress).

    Enjoy the work done!