Introduction: Cross-Stitched Hand Warmer
These simple hand warmers are easy to make, and they really do keep your hands toasty warm! They are a perfect way to show your love to someone this Valentine's Day!
You will need:
Wool felt
Embroidery floss
You will need:
Wool felt
Embroidery floss
Step 1: Prepare Felt and Embroider
For each hand warmer, cut a piece of felt measuring 4 x 5.75 inches. Embroider a design in the middle. I chose a cross-stitched heart (I found a pattern with a quick Google search), but any small-ish design will do.
To embroider on felt, I usually trace the pattern onto tracing paper, then stitch through it all and tear the paper away. However, it was a huge pain with these x-stitches, so be warned if you want to try this method!
To embroider on felt, I usually trace the pattern onto tracing paper, then stitch through it all and tear the paper away. However, it was a huge pain with these x-stitches, so be warned if you want to try this method!
Step 2: Sew the Handwarmer
Fold the top and bottom around to form a tube, with an overlap of about .5 inches. Pin and sew across with the smallest stitches you can make.
Sew one end of the tube closed. It's easier to make these stitches a bit smaller.
Sew one end of the tube closed. It's easier to make these stitches a bit smaller.
Step 3: Fill and Close
Add 1/4 cup of rice.
Sew the other end of the tube closed.
Sew the other end of the tube closed.
Step 4: Use the Handwarmers
Your hand warmer is finished, but you'll probably want to make for each pocket! To warm these, just place in the microwave and heat for increments of 10 seconds until you reach the desired heat. Mine took 30 seconds. They'll stay warm for at least 20 minutes, maybe even a little longer!