Introduction: Crow Beak N Claw Mask
I had some ideas for Halloween costumes pop into my head the other day and one that really stood out was a crow beak with bird talons wrapping around the head. I sketched the idea on some scrap paper and the idea began it's weekend journey.
For costumes I generally use cheap easy-to-use household materials like paper mache. Here is my list of materials:
* 3 feet of household electrical wiring ( for armature)
* aluminum foil
* masking tape
* white glue ( for paper mache)
* spackling mud
* newspaper
* paints (gloss black spray paint or acrylic) and Rub n Buff Spanish copper
* black feathers
For costumes I generally use cheap easy-to-use household materials like paper mache. Here is my list of materials:
* 3 feet of household electrical wiring ( for armature)
* aluminum foil
* masking tape
* white glue ( for paper mache)
* spackling mud
* newspaper
* paints (gloss black spray paint or acrylic) and Rub n Buff Spanish copper
* black feathers
Step 1: Armature
In this step I made a stiff bendable frame using two 18 inch pieces of 12 guage NM wire that can be picked up at any hardware store. I bent one piece over my head into a crow beak profile shape and the other piece into a "C" shape. Near the crow beak intersection on the wire, I cut the insulation to expose the wires inside. Then I pried up one of the wires and inserted the "C" shaped wire to it's center and wrapped it in many layers of tape.
*If I made this again I would add 4 inches to each talon so the mask wraps around the head better.
*If I made this again I would add 4 inches to each talon so the mask wraps around the head better.
Step 2: Shaping With Foil and Tape
Using aluminum foil and masking tape, I filled out the general form of a beak and talons by loosely wrapping the foil around the armature wires. I kept the foil "fluffy" and used tape to lightly wrap everything. This step is just general shaping so fine details aren't too important here.
At this point I test fit the shape on my head and bent as needed while it was still flexible.
Step 3: Elastic Band
Here two pieces of elastic strap were attached. I tied knots in the end of each strap and taped each one with the knot to the talons. I wrapped with several layers of tape.
This band is just tied on the back on the head to keep things snug.
This band is just tied on the back on the head to keep things snug.
Step 4: Paper Mache
For paper mache I generally use torn newspaper in a paint pan with a mixture of 2 parts warm water and 1 part white glue; tearing the paper into small strips for sharp contours and round shapes. Then I drape on a few layers while letting each layer dry before adding the next. This step takes the longest so I set the mask in front of a small heater to speed things up. At the end I spread on a coat of white glue to make a light shell.
Step 5: Hot Glue and Shell
Details and surface prep are applied in this step. With the hot glue I first added a beak ridge, then some rings around the talon connection to the toe.
Next I mixed some prepared spackling mud and white glue with a 1:1 ratio. This makes a sandable "bondo" shell that is pretty strong and safe to work. With a paint brush I spread the mix thinly over the entire mask and let it dry. I then sanded until the shapes were satisfying and added more mix to areas as needed. Then at the end I coated everything with white glue for another shell layer.
Next I mixed some prepared spackling mud and white glue with a 1:1 ratio. This makes a sandable "bondo" shell that is pretty strong and safe to work. With a paint brush I spread the mix thinly over the entire mask and let it dry. I then sanded until the shapes were satisfying and added more mix to areas as needed. Then at the end I coated everything with white glue for another shell layer.
Step 6: Paint and Finish
Toward the end I noticed this needed to look better so I added texture lines with hot glue to the toes and a sharp beak point with thick paper and more mud. After drying and sanding, I painted gloss black onto all surfaces. Some areas looked too shiny so I added an acrylic matte coating to reduce shine. I also hot glued black feathers where the beak and talons connect.
One last cool paint effect was adding Spanish copper Rub n Buff to the toes.
This was not super comfortable (duh, its claws on your head) so I glued some EVA craft foam on the underside to cushion the talons. I plan to wear this with a black hooded cape and black face paint with yellow eyes painted on my forehead. I'll add a photo later.
One last cool paint effect was adding Spanish copper Rub n Buff to the toes.
This was not super comfortable (duh, its claws on your head) so I glued some EVA craft foam on the underside to cushion the talons. I plan to wear this with a black hooded cape and black face paint with yellow eyes painted on my forehead. I'll add a photo later.