Introduction: Crying Baby Detector Using 1Sheeld

The biggest problem that mothers face is that they can't leave their babies alone in a room asleep, That they must sit next to them, And leave anything else in there hand because getting afraid if the baby starts to wake up which is a wasting of time, From there came my IDEA

Crying Baby Detector is a project taken from Baby Monitor concept but the differences are that my idea take some ACTIONS like automatic playing music for the baby So that the baby get back to sleep , Using what's called White Noise which is some quiets noise or music that comfort the baby which get him/her back to sleep , And if the baby doesn't get back to sleep , it starts playing more louder music so that the baby feel safe.

Step 1: Materials


Arduino UNO


Android Phone

2 LEDS (Green-Yellow)

5V Relay

NPN Transistor 2N2222

10K resistor

1N4004 Diode

Baby Toy

9V Battery and a clip




Soldering Iron


Step 2: Downloads

Step 3: Installing the Library & Installing the App on Android

Installing the library:

1-open the Arduino ADK

2-open sketch then Import library then add the library

3-Choose the zip file from where you downloaded

Installing the App on Android:

After downloading the app ,open it and search for the 1Sheeld and connect it , then choose the needed shield (Mic-MusicPlayer-Twitter)
,Then log in with Twitter, and Choose the tracks for MusicPlayer , I made 2 tracks one for SleepingMode (Quiet music) and the other for WakingMode (Children songs)

Step 4: Code

In this code I wrote in different style,I wrote it from downside to upside ,I had 3 Functions (1-SleepingMode1())-(2-SleepingMode2())-(3-WakingMode()) ,I wrote the third at first , then the second then the first

SleepingMode1: if the Baby starts crying the arduino starts playing some quiet Music

SleepingMode2: if the baby didn't stop crying the arduino continue playing the quiet music

In all these functions arduino send to the parents message on the twitter to inform them any updates

String account = "imtheparent2015";// The parent account on twitter
String Message0 ="Arduino Now is on Monitoring Mode , Stay tuned for any updates";
String Message1 = "The baby is crying ,The Arduino is on SleepingMode right now stay Tuned For any updates";// The Arduino message for the parent at the Sleeping Mode
String Message2 = "The baby is awake ,The Arduino is on WakingMode right now , and playing some songs";// The Arduino message for the parent at the Waking Mode
String Message3 = "The baby is now asleep ,You Are Safe :D";// The Arduino message for the parent at the Sleeping Mode
String Message4 ="The Baby is still crying ,Stay tuned for any updates";
int green=13;//Green LED (Checking LED)
int red=12;//Red LED (Alert LED)
int toy=10;//Toy relay pin
int cry=0;//Checking if the baby is crying,If cry ==10 so the baby is crying
int x=0;//For checking if the program passes through sleepingMode 1
int y=1;//For checking if the program passes through sleepingMode 2
int z=0;//For checking if the program passes through WakingMode
boolean mon=true;//For the monitoring mode to run it only one time
void setup() 
  pinMode(toy,OUTPUT);//Toy relay circuit
  pinMode(green,OUTPUT);//Green for Monitoring Mode
  pinMode(red,OUTPUT);//red for alert
  OneSheeld.begin();//Begining of 1SHEELD
bool Crying()//Responsible for getting the value of the Mic(Crying Sound) 
   //Getting the sound
  if(Mic.getValue() >=80)// Sound of the crying baby (Measured by dBs)
  return true; // True = Baby is crying
  return false; //False = Baby is sleeping
void MonitoringMode()//send the message to confirm that arduino is working
  Twitter.sendMessage(account,Message0);//sending message
  mon=false;//to insure that the program doesn't run it again
void SleepingMode()//First function that the program passes by`if the baby is crying
{;//Playing some quiet music for the baby
  Twitter.sendMessage(account,Message1);// Sending a message on twitter for the parents
  delay(30000);//Delay for playing Quiet music for 5 Mins
  MusicPlayer.pause(); //Pause the music to check whether the baby slept or not
  x=1;//Confirm that the program passes thourght this function
  y=0;//to avoid looping
  delay(5000);//Silent delay to check whether the baby still crying or not
void WakingMode()//Third Fn that the program passes by if the baby still crying
  digitalWrite(green,LOW);//Turn off the green light
  Twitter.sendMessage(account,Message2);// Sending a message on twitter for the parents;//switch to WakingMode songs (Ex:Old MacDonald Had A Farm );//Playing songs for the baby
   digitalWrite(toy,HIGH);//turn on the Children toy
   delay(30000);//Delay for the songs
   MusicPlayer.previous();//Back to the previous Song(Quiet songs)
   MusicPlayer.stop();//stops the MusicPlayer
   digitalWrite(toy,LOW);//turn it off
   cry=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
   z=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
   y=1;//Reset the value to the intial value
   x=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
void SleepingMode2()//Second Fn that the program passes by if the baby still crying
  digitalWrite(green,LOW);//turn off the monitoring LED
  Twitter.sendMessage(account,Message4);//Sending a message on twitter for the parents;//Continuing the quiet music for the baby
  delay(30000);//Delay for music
  MusicPlayer.pause();//Pause the music for checking
  z=1;////Confirm that the program passes thourght this function
  x=0//for preventing the program to run these function again
void loop() 
  if(y==1)//If the baby is sleeping
  digitalWrite(green,HIGH);//Turning on the Green LED(Checking LED)
  if(Crying())//If the baby is crying
    digitalWrite(red,HIGH);//Turn on the Sound LED
    digitalWrite(red,LOW);//Turn off the Sound LED
    cry++;//Increment the cry value  intial value =0,The program starts at cry =10
    delay(300);//Delay to cancel the noise
  if ((Crying())&&(z))//if baby is crying and the program passes through sleepingMode 2
    WakingMode();//starts the WakingMode
    delay(5000);//Delay before looping 
  if((Crying())&&(x==1))//if baby is crying and the program passed through sleepingMode 1
   SleepingMode2();//Starts the SleepingMode2
  else if((!Crying())&&(x==1))//if the baby isn't crying and the program passed through sleepingMode 1
   Twitter.sendMessage(account,Message3);// Send a message on twitter for the parents \
   cry=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
   z=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
   y=1;//Reset the value to the intial value
   x=0;//Reset the value to the intial value
  if(cry==10)//If the cry=10 means the baby is crying 
  digitalWrite(green,LOW);//Turn off the green LED
  SleepingMode();//starts the SleepingMode 1

Step 5: Circuits & Soldering All the Components

I didn't solder the components on a board ,I solder them togther to minmize the size to be easy put in the toy but it's up to you, you can solder it on a board

after soldering put the relay circuit in the toy and connect the relay to the battery of the toy one at (COM) and the other at (NO) of the relay

After finishing the toy circuits you will have three wire (+5V-GND-Arduino output) connect those to the arduino

And you are ready to GO.....

Step 6: Ready to GO

Now you are ready just turn on the Arduino and open the app and scan for devices it will connect automatically ,Just put the your phone next the baby and GO WATCH A MOVIE YOU ARE SAFE :D