Introduction: CubeSat Instructable

Intro: Our 11th Grade science class has made a Cube-sat. Some of you may be asking what a Cubesat is. A Cube-sat is a small square or rectangular object that is made up of various materials in order to create a small compact satellite. Our Constraints set by the teachers was a 10x10x10 cm cube


Step 1: Research, design, then redesign what you think the cube-sat should look like. Research which materials would work better and why. Understand different designs and the functions of arduino/ measurement tools you are using.

Step 2: Gather materials and fasteners. Begin assembly of Cube-sat. USE design ideas and integrate new ideas and continue to improve and evolve your design.

Step 3: Begin to build and construct Cubesat using final design. Begin coding for Arduino. (Best way to use code is look up specific code on internet specific to your measuring instrument.

Step 1: Process of Building and Testing an Arduino

Step 1: The first part in our mission was to understand what exactly a cubesat is and how it can be used in many different ways to record data and information from outer space. You will need to familiarize yourself with said project so it is best if you do some Cubesat research yourself.

Step 2: My group and I then decided to brainstorm ideas such as what materials to use what measuring device we would need and how we would fasten all the parts to the Cubesat. Once you have your design down move to the next step.

Step 3: When using a cubesat it is also best to use an arduino to work your measuring devices. Arduinos are small and maneuverable so they can easily be placed in tight areas. Once you have picked out your measuring device you will then need to code it for the arduino. The best thing to do here is look up a code online and use it for your project. Once that is completed move to next step.

Step 4: Building the Cubesat is easy once you have a final design. The final design should include list of materials, dimensions of Cubesat, and fasteners used to secure parts. You should always be finding ways to improve your design and help it evolve into something better.

Step 5: Once you have your Cubesat built and the arduino fully coded. It is best to test your project under scenarios that replicate how it would handle outer space. My group went through multiple tests such as the shake test, dimension test, weight test, and orbit test.

Step 6: The launch is the last step and final step in this cubesat project. As we are preparing for the final test make sure to video record the test flight in order to accurately make predictions on how well your arduino will function in outer space.

Step 7: Analyze data from video and modify Cubesat to make it the best it can be. Here are come of our results using the Distance measuring device.