Introduction: CubeSphereMid

As you can see from the image, CubeSphereMid is a pyramid within a sphere within a cube.

CubeSphereMid is the turducken of geometric shapes. Three in one.

The category is Mashup for Tinkercad Student Design Contest.





Step 1: Cube

  1. Go to Tinkercad website. Create an account and log in.
  2. Start a new project. Name it whatever you want.
  3. In the design workspace, find the Box shape in the basic shapes panel on the right side of the screen.
  4. Left click and drag the Box shape to the Workplane.
  5. In the Inspector menu, change length, width, and height to 30.
  6. Click on Solid icon.
  7. In Presets, check Transparent box.

Step 2: Sphere

  1. In the design workspace, find the Sphere shape in the basic shapes panel on the right side of the screen.
  2. Left click and drag the Sphere shape to the Workplane.
  3. In the Inspector menu, click on Solid icon.
  4. In Presets, check Transparent box.
  5. Left click and drag the Sphere into the Cube.

Step 3: Pyramid

  1. In the design workspace, find the Pyramid shape in the basic shapes panel on the right side of the screen.
  2. Left click and drag the Pyramid to the Workplane and into the Sphere.
  3. Leave the Pyramid opaque.

Step 4: CubeSphereMid Is Complete.

You are done!

You have created a new 3D geometric object!

Collect your Nobel Prize!