Introduction: Custom Bottle Cap Opener

About: I don't have special tools, just some simple ones I think everyone should own. Most everything I put up can be built using either a regular saw and/or jig saw, a power drill, a tape measurer, and a good hamme…

My mom likes to get little odd things for me when she's out doing errands if she sees something. Yesterday it was a bottle opener made to look old from a hobby store.
To make it useful, it needed to be secured to something rigid so I thought, why not a vintage-looking mountain dew sign?

Step 1: Planning!

Like all of my projects, I make sure to plan every part accordingly. The cutting as well as the designing took some time.
Rule number one for both is: Scaling!
For the bottle opener to fit nicely, the board it needed to be mounted to had to be twice the size of the glass bottle.
I measured the bottle in key places:
-the opening 1 in.
-the length of the neck 3 5/8 in.
-the width of the base of the neck 1 3/4 in.
-the distance between the base of the neck and top of the body of the bottle 3/4 in.
-the width of the body of the bottle 2 1/5 in.
-the length of the bottle entirely 9 in.

The image above is my design with the measurements for sign at twice the size.

Also, I doubled the size of the text using a grid method. It is very effective when your printer is not cooperating or when you have a much lager scale than your printer can achieve.

Step 2: Sketch and Cut

With the key points of the shape of the botte marked onto a peice of 1/2 in. plywood, sketching the rest is very simple. It is practically connect the dots at this point.
A jig saw is the perfect tool for the job as it can contour to the curve of the bottles edges.

Step 3: Paint and Decal

I went with a geen paint to coat the plywood. Watered down, it was light enough that it created an older look with the help from some wiping off by paper towel.
Due to some of the thin areas, I found it easiest for the 'Mountain' part to tape a wide piece of painters tape to a sheet of wax paper and then trace and cut out the letters. The combo of tape and wax paper was thick enough to withstand tearing.
'Dew' was much easier as the letters for it are more block-like. Outlining a sketch of the word with painters tape allowed me to spray paint it.
Be sure to cover the rest of your project before painting or spray painting.

Step 4: Hardware

Short screws are needed to make sure nothing pops out of the other side. 3/8 in. screws secure the opener tightly to the board. As small as they are, you can really just screw them in by hand if you wanted to!

Step 5: Finished!

Now its ready for enjoyment! I realize that the stencils I made weren't all great, but that's how you learn! Definitely going to try brushing in an outline next time.
For use, I strongly recommend mounting the board to a stud in your wall as it will go through somewhat high stress when a cap is popping off.