Introduction: Custom Motor Driver Shield for Arduino Uno(4 Motors)
This is homemade motor driver shield for Arduino Uno for controlling 4DC motors, it also has headers for HC-05 Bluetooth module. I used HC-05 Bluetooth module, 2x L293d to drive 4 Johnson motors (which requires current of 500 milli Ampere each. The design can be customized according to the need of the user. The link video simulation and design files are next steps
Step 1: Connections
Specifications of L293d
max supply voltage - 36volts
peak output current - 600mA
It doesn't need diodes for protection from reverse current
The shield sits on top of arduino uno.
The connections
Arduino Pins
0(Tx)----------Rx of bluetooth module
1(Rx)---------Tx of Bluetooth module
3.3v-----------VCC of BT module
4,5,6,7--------2,7,15,10 of L293d IC
Step 2: Design Simulation
The circuit is designed in Auto desk Circuits Electronics Lab,
The Bead board view of project
The schematic of the project