Introduction: Custom PC Build
This is a guide for a custom PC build, with the supplies I had on hand, so your computer will not look exactly the same as mine unless you get the exact same components.
Step 1: Make Sure You Have the Necessary Componets
In order to have a fully functioning PC, you need:
Hard Drive (Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Drive will work)
Grounding Cable, or some way to prevent static discharge
CPU chip
Heat Sink
CPU fan
Power Source
System Fan
RAM sticks (Size depends on your motherboard)
Graphics card (If your motherboard doesn't have onboard graphics)
SATA cable (For Hard Drive)
Power Cable (Power Source)
Power Cable (Monitor)
Step 2: Plan Your Build
Now, you want to plan how your build will fit together, and make a cause of action.
The easiest way to do it is to make a list of the order of components in order of how they go inside the case.
A basic list looks like this, but may vary depending on the case you get:
- Motherboard
- Hard Drive
- Heat Sink/CPU Fan
- Graphics Card
- Power Source
- System Fan
Before you start your build, it is VERY important to make sure you are grounded, as any static electricity can ruin your components, making them useless.
Step 3: Doing Your Build
Now that you have your components, and your build list, build your PC
Follow your list, making sure that you are carefully handling the components, as most are fragile and easily breakable.
When it comes to plugging everything in, most cables are specifically shaped, so that they can only be inserted one way, so make sure that you pay attention to how the cable ends are.
For example, SATA cables are L-shaped, and can only be inserted into the correct port, one way.
Next, you will have to purchase an operating system and load it onto your PC.
Step 4: Operating System Install
Once all of your components are installed and functioning, you will need to acquire an operating system, usually Windows or macOS
Once you have this, load it onto your Hard Drive, using your BIOS. To enter your BIOS depends on your motherboard. The most common BIOS entrance key is F10.
Once you get into your BIOS, you want to have it boot from the installation media, and follow any steps that it may prompt you do do
Step 5: Testing Your Build
Once you have completed all of these steps, make sure everything works.
Turn your PC on, and if you get a POST (Power On Self Test) beep, you're good to go!