Introduction: Custom Sized Rubber Bands
I need a couple of small rubber/elastic bands for a task and didn't have any, I could have twisted the ones I had lots of times but didn't have the space so I made a couple here is how.
Step 1: Materials
you need:
a longer rubber band
a sharp blade
cyanoacrylate glue (CA)
Step 2: Cut Size and Cut
cut your band open.
establish how big your new band needs to be.
cut to length. get your cuts as square as possible.
Step 3: Bond Ends
note the photo is for illustration only I used both hands for real.
Apply a small drop of CA to one end of the rubber.
bring the ends together and hold until set.
The properties of CA that make this possible are it's fast set & it is very strong in tension. I've even used this method for making drive bands for small motors.
It also bonds skin use a very small drop and avoid over spill. wearing rubber gloves or using tweezers is probably advisable.
Step 4: Use
As you can see I wasn't too careful with the measurement and still ended up doubling over. I should have cut under size. This does however show the joint takes the band being stretched