Introduction: Cute Cap for Kids

This is a cute cap for kids.

This cap has beautiful pictures of foot balls.

This cap has beautiful picture of a teddy bear.

This cap has beautiful picture of cute ducks.

This cap is made in the environment of autodesk fusion 360.

I have used the model, render, sculpt environment of autodesk fusion 360.

Step 1:

I have made this cap , starting from the sculpt environment of fusion 360.

First i have created a sphere.

Then I have applied internal symmetry in the sphere.

Step 2:

In this step I have used edit form.

I have selected a face of sphere and drag it out wards .

Because of symmetry dragging of face occured in every direction of symmetry.

As a result I have got this structure of cap.

Step 3:

In this step I have entered in the model work space of fusion 360.

Then i have drawn a line near the structure created by edit form.

Then I have divided the body in two halves , using line as the splitting tool.

Then I have hide the bottom part.

Step 4:

In this step I have changed the physical Material of the cap from steel which is by default

material , to material fabric.

Step 5:

In this step I have applied different colors to the cap.

I have applied shell to the splitted face.

Then I have applied fillets to the surfaces created due to split body action and

shelled action on the cute cap for kids.

Step 6:

In this step I have entered in the rendering environment of fusion 360.

Then I have applied local rendering to the cute cap.

Step 7:

In this step I have entered in the rendering environment of fusion 360.

Then I have opted the option of decal.

I have pasted beautiful pictures of footballs with the help of decal option.

Then I have pasted beautiful picture of a teddy bear on the top surface of cute cap for kids.

Then I have pasted cute pictures of ducks on the projected or extruded parts of the cap.

Then this cap looks so much attractive and beautiful.

Step 8:

In this step I have entered in the rendering environment of fusion 360.

In this step I have provided different views of cute cap for kids.