Introduction: Cute Fox!

This is an adorable little fox.



Orange, and red tissue paper. White, and pink paper. Black permanent marker. Scissors. Black and white felt.

Step 1: Starting the Head.

First, take your permanent marker and draw a curve for the head.

Step 2: Eyes.

Cut out a circle until you want to add an eyelash, Then color the eyelash and the outside of the eye then draw two half circles along the outside one on the top one on the bottom. Do twice.

Step 3: Eyes Coming to Life.

Then fill it in.

Step 4: Finishing the Head.

Then, bring the curve all around. Then draw a line coming out of the side top of the head on both sides for ears then bring it out on the other side.

Step 5: Setting Up the Color.

Take your orange tissue paper and take two layers and stack them then fold them and cut out how big you want your layers.

Then make medium size cuts in them.

Step 6: Coming Together.

Start layering and gluing them bottom to top on the fox. Then glue the eyes on.

Step 7: Blushing.

Cut 2 circles out of the pink and put them on the foxes cheeks. Then cut out a white hart and color black except half a circle and glue it on for the nose.

Step 8: Adorableness.

Then cut it out. Cut out a cat mouth color black then and then attach it to the nose.

Step 9: Awesome Ears.

Add some pieces of felt to the ears.

Step 10: Done.

Great job your done.

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