Introduction: Cute Owl Pot for Succulents

About: Hi! My name in Miranda Sarmiento. I am an architect and I really like art and creativity.

I had never dared to sculpt in 3d, but when I saw the Instructables tutorial "Sculpting in Fusion 360" it seemed so simple that I decided to make a succulent pot for my mom, you can see her Instructable here:

Basically I followed the same steps that the tutorial mentioned, but instead of a funny ghost I made an adorable owl. You can download the model from here:


  • Inspiration
  • Fusion 360

Step 1: Create Base Shape

First I made two spherical shapes for the owl base, one for the body and one for the head.

Step 2: Around the Eyes

With the "Edit form" and "Subdivide" tools I moved and divided the faces
of the initial top sphere to make the shape where the owl's eyes go, this shape is a little flattened. I only made one eye, then with the “mirror” tool I made the other eye.

Step 3: Wings and Tail

I also formed the wing with the same tools from the previous step and
with the "Insert edge" tool, the wing consists of a small lateral promontory and the tail consists of a little mountain towards the back.

Step 4: Flat Base Cut

I made a flat cut at the base of the owl so it can stand. For this I made a sketch with a rectangle at the height of the base.

Step 5: Eyes

I did a sketch at eye level with a couple of lines to locate a sphere in
the correct position of the eyes. I used the Create -> Sphere tool. I created the eyes as a new body.

Step 6: Owl First Half

I combined both spheres, made a fillet at their joint, then made an
internal hole in the geometry with the Shell tool and kept only one half with the Extrude tool.

Step 7: Nose

I made a sketch at nose level and with the Revolve tool I gave it the rounded shape it has, I made this geometry as Join.

Step 8: Mirror Geometry

I mirrored the geometry with the Mirror tool, at that moment I was able to admire the complete owl.

Step 9: Top Hole for Planting

I did a sketch with a big circle and then I extruded a hole in the owl's body.

Step 10: Front and Rear Main Holes

From this moment on, all you have to do is: create sketches, make many circles to your liking, extrude and mirror.

Step 11: Side Main Holes

I made 2 base planes at 40 ° and 140 ° to make the side holes.

Step 12: Secondary Holes

There are many holes! I made these medium holes one by one, in the next step I will tell you how to make holes faster.

Step 13: Planes for Holes

I created 4 planes to make small holes for each remaining space on the owl's body.

Step 14: Small Holes - Step 1

Make the main small holes, you only need to make a row of holes.

Step 15: Small Holes - Step 2

Make the paths where the holes will go, I used the "Fit point spline" tool.

Step 16: Small Holes - Step 3

Extrude each main small hole in different operations.

Step 17: Small Holes - Step 4

Use the "Pattern on path" tool to multiply the Extrude operation along the Spline the required number of times.

Step 18: Small Holes - Step 5

Mirror all holes.

Step 19: Wood Base and Materials

I made a cylinder as a base, simulating a table and put a wooden
material included in the library of fusion materials. I put white material on the owl's body and black material on the eyes.

Step 20: Succulent Model

I downloaded a free succulent model from the internet ( to complement the owl pot model.

Step 21: Render

I set the size of the final image and rendered it.

Remember to visit my mom's instructable and vote for it!

I hope that you all enjoyed this Instructable!

Thanks for reading and watching. Miranda.