Introduction: Cute Squirrel Ornament
This ornament takes less than 10 minutes! The materials are so easy to find and it is very simple to assemble!
What You Need:
- A chestnut (dry, halved)
- An acorn (take off the top cap unless it looks like a small hat)
- A acorn top (for the hat)
- Old fabric (preferably soft, plaid material)
- Scissors
- Strong glue (preferably hot glue)
- Pipe cleaner, brown or black
- Black marker or Sharpie
Step 1: Assembling the Cradle
Basically, this is a squirrel in a cradle. So this is what you want to do:
- We want to get the blanket. Cut the fabric approximately the size of the chestnut. Hot glue all sides on to the chestnut.
- Trim the sides carefully to the chestnut. Make sure any loose threads are cut off.
Step 2: Make the Squirrel
This little guy will start to come together.
- Draw a cute face on the acorn.
- Glue the acorn on to the far end of the chestnut, on the flat surface.
- Finally, glue on the acorn cap. This will look like a cute little hat.
Step 3: Add the Hook
The hook will be our pipe cleaner.
- Securely glue it on.
- Hold it until you are sure it is stuck on.
- Repeat for other side.
Step 4: Enjoy!
Give this cute ornament to anyone you`d like!
It is fun to make with kids, and great for little gifts for teachers, friends, etc.