Introduction: Cutting Board Walnut and Pine
Made this for my older sister for her birthday
Step 1: Make Strips
Begin by cutting strips 1/2" thick x 3/4" wide. Out of black walnut and pine. However long you want it.. (maybe a little long to allow for error)
Step 2: Dry Assembly and Glue Prep
Dry assemble the pieces to make sure they are going to fit, move the clamps to the right size (a little bigger to allow for movement while gluing the pieces) and tape up the rail to prevent unwanted gluing.
Step 3: Clamp and Dry
Once you glue the pieces, begin to tighten up the clamps. I used three clamps to prevent arching of the wood, I also used two dummy boards to prevent clamp marks and apply even pressure.
Step 4: Smooth Things Up
After allowing the strips to dry into a soild board (24 hours), and run it through the planer on both sides till smooth.
Step 5: Cut Off the Excess
Cut off the pieces that are sticking out make all the pieces even and flush.
Step 6: Round the Edges
Use a router with a rounding bit and round the edges on both sides...
Step 7: Sand Down
Use 100 grit sandpaper and sand the entire piece rounding the corners. Then use 150 grit sandpaper and sand it down again for a smooth finish
Step 8: Wax Coating
Once it is sanded down, it is time to coat it. I used a gulf wax and mineral oil mix, melted down using a double boiler. Apply four coats to both sides, let each coat sit for 20 mins before wiping off the excess wax.
Step 9: The Hard Part
Step 10: Finished Projet
Once done your cutting board will resist water and be easy to clean. You may need to apply a coat from time to time depending on your usage.