Introduction: Cutting Steel With a Welder!
So you get a welder and some steel, you draw out a diagram of what you want to weld...... Now what? you realize that you don't have an oxy-acetylene torch nor a plasma cutter and can't cut solid steel with tin snips. But wait! If you buy some inexpensive 6011 rods you can cut through steel!
Step 1: WARNING!
This process uses high voltages and produces sparks, fumes and bright arc flash. It should never be attempted by anyone without proper safety equipment and ventilation. If you have an adjustable welding helmet turn it to 11-12.
Step 2: Cutting
Take a 6011 (or 6013) rod and set your welder on 125-135. Once you initiate the arc you will notice that none of the rod creates a weld. To cut the metal you will need to push the rod down into the steel and keep the tip of the rod flush with the other side. The arc should stay lit and cut a path as you move the stick. That's it!