Introduction: Cutting a Heatpipe Heatsink!
I made a Peltier based cooler for food to use in my car.
It works very well but the inside cold heatsink is too big. I want to be to store my food. Here is how I did that.
Step 1: Getting to Cutting.
Using just a hacksaw blade I went ahead and cut all 8 heatpipes. Some small volume of liquid came out. The cutting was easy enough to do.
Step 2: Separation!
Here the insides of the heatpipes are seen. What a waste of the now unused heatsink!
Step 3: Cleaning Up.
Using damp paper towels I cleaned up the debris from cutting. Now the cooler is ready for service.
Step 4: Testing!
Using the 12volt 10amp power supply adapter, I powered up the modded cooler and let it run for 15mins. A delta T of 10C. That works for me!