Introduction: Cutting a Curve in a Ceramic Tile With an Angle Grinder

Hi here is something I posted on You Tube some time ago and would like to share it with you ... now i have discovered this web site.

While tiling a 50msq (538sq ft) floor area, i had to cut the 450mm x 450mm (17.7" x 17.7") ceramic tiles around the spiral stair case & hand rail, which involved a lot of large curved cuts. So I put this video together to show how to cut a porcelain ceramic floor tile with a 100mm (4") diamond blade fitted to an angle grinder.

Unfortunately i did not take many close up photos at the time, but i have attached what i did have and extracted some snap shots from the video to create this slide show

I think it's self explanatory but please feel free to ask any questions ... Thanks Tony i

Long Audio Version:

Shorter Commented Slide show Version: