Introduction: D4E1 Left Handed Camera Aid
In 2012, Annelies Rollez, Cesar Vandevelde and Justin Couturon, designed a left hand cameragrip for Barts (Grimonprez) digital camera.
We reviewed the design and parametrized it so it can be made in a flexible production proces. This way the left cameragrip can be custom-made to the handsize of the user and the type of camera at a reasonable price.
We designed a simple system to measure parameters of the users camera. Moreover, we also measure the hand lenght of the user. This data is then imported in a CAD-model. It generates the necessary files to produce the parts with flexible production methods, such as 3d printing and lasercutting.
We also tried to translate the original idea, a custom made ergonomic grip, to a simple proces where the shape is 3d scanned. However it requiers specialized technology and knowledge to translate this raw data to a usable model. This raises the price of the grip substantialy. Future versions of software like Siemens NX promise automatic importing of raw scan data so maybe in the near future this will be viable concept.
Link to original project blog
Step 1: Standard Components - Aquisition of Materials.
Purchase the required components;
- 3 bolts; sunken with a rounded head M4x10 (DIN 7046-2, F, M4x10)
- 3 lock nuts; M4 (DIN985, 8, M4)
- 1 self tapping screw; rounded head (DIN 7049, A, 4,2x13)
- 1 2.5mm stereo Mini-jack (check camera for compatibility)
- 1 Miniature on/off switch (R1396 SPST)
- 1 Impulse switch on/off (532.000.007 V/DC 0.01A)
- 1 Camera screw (hama 15mm 5131)
Step 2: Measuring Device and Input of Dimensions
We begin by producing the measuring tool.
- print the '' file onto paper or carboard and cutting these with scissors or and exacto knife. If you want a clean tool lasercutting is a better option.
- Fold the tool on the blue or engraved lines, apply glue or tape on the meeting edges.
- Open the 'matencamera.xls' file and follow the provided instructions.
Step 3: Generate the 3D and Lasercut Files
- Launch the Siemens NX CAD software suite and load the file 'assembly_simple.prt'.
- Press CTRL + E to open the Expressions panel.
- Press the 'update for external change' button to load the values and press OK.
- Reload the 'Beugel' and the 'riembeugel' components in the assembly navigator to the left of the screen.
right click > close > reopen part - Save the Assembly; click 'File > Save > All'.
- Export the 'handgreep' and 'knopcilinder' as an STL file; 'File > Export > STL'.
Click the handle and specify the desired location and filename.
Repeat this for the 'knopcilinder' (model1.prt). - Open the 'lasercutdrawings.prt' file and update the dimensions by clicking the clock icon in the part navigator.
- Export the handle AND knopcilinder as a DWG file; 'File > Export > STL'.
Specify the desired file location and filename, export the file as a 2D/DWG/layout.
Step 4: Assembly
1: Check if all the components are accounted for.
- 3 bolts; sunken rounded head
- 3 lock nuts
- 1 self tapping screw
- 1 2.5mm mini jack (or suitable model depending on camera)
- 1 miniature on/off press switch
- 1 Impulse switch
- 1 camera screw
- 3D printed handle
- 3D print 'knopcilinder'
- Metal 'beugel' lasercut
- Metal 'riembeugel' lasercut
- A piece of heat shrink tube and 3x20 cm's of fine electrical wire (1 black and 2 colored ones prefered).
2: Collect tools.
- Screwdriver matching the chosen screwhead type.
- Metal plate bending machine. (vise and hammer will work but won't give a clean result)
- Wirecutter
- Soldering Iron and wire
- Hotglue gun, or appropriate adhesive.
3: Bend the 'riembeugel' 90° on the engraved line.
4: Montage.
Mount the 'riembeugel' in the handle with the self tapping screw.
Mount the brace (bottom plate) onto the 3D printed handle with the 3 sunken bolts and lock nuts.
5: Soldering.
Cut up the wires into 10cm pieces, solder these wires onto the connections of the buttons as shown in the image. Finish with heat shrink.
6: Glue the Impulse switch into the 3D printed 'knoppen-cilinder' as shown.
7: assemble components.
- Slide the 'knoppencilinder' with the impulseswitch into the hole present on the handle.
Make sure the wires run trough the guiding hole protruding into the cavity below. - Press the Miniature switch into the 'knopcilinder' making sure the wires pass trough aswell.
8: Solder the wiring onto the minijack plug as shown in the schematic.
Step 5: Mounting the Handle Onto the Camera.
- Open the latch and plug in the mini-jack.
- Slide the 'riembeugel' into the brace on the camera.
- Tilt the handle downwards locking in the 'riembeugel'.
- Tilt until the bottom brace hits the camera bottom.
- Screw in the camera screw fixating the bottom brace to the camera.
- Adjust the gap between the camera and handle untill it fits snuggly.
This is adjustable using the top screw.
Step 6: CAD Files
These are the files needed to construct your own model.
The excell is included.