Introduction: D.A.A.P (Deployable Airsoft Ammunition Package)

About: My goal is to show you how to make random stuff with items almost EVERYONE HAS! Even your pet can do it....maybe!

Step 1: Supplies

For this project, you will need:

A nail (I used a 1-1/4 Plasterboard nail)
A small capsule from a prize machine
Airsoft or BB ammunition
Super glue (I used gorilla glue)

Step 2:

Super glue the nail onto the top of the capsule and let dry.

Step 3:

Next, fill the capsule with Airsoft or BB bullets of your choice.

Step 4:

Put the lid on the capsule, tightly sealing the ammunition in.

Step 5: You're Done!

Now all you have to do is simply stick it into sand, dirt, or any other squishy or soft surface nail side down for a friend or teammate to find. You could also fill it with fake Airsofts or used pellets to trick your enemies.

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