Introduction: DIY 18 Inch Doll Chair

About: I am a mixed media artist living in the Ozarks with my family. I have been published in many magazines including the cover of Sew Somerset.

My daughter LOVES her 18" dolls. American Girl, Our Generation, My Life As, etc. Most often the furniture and accessories are extremely expensive. We spend time making items ourselves and being thrifty shoppers for the items we can't make.

This tutorial will give you the patterns and show you how to make a super cute cardboard chair for your favorite 18" dolls...

For this chair you will need...

Hot glue and hot glue gun

paper or collage glue of your choice

xacto or box knife

cardboard box

7 sheets of scrapbook paper


and printed pattern pieces

Step 1: Patterns...

Print the pattern pieces out.

Make sure the measurement strip is 1 inch wide on each pattern sheet. Cut the pieces out.

Step 2: Trace the Pattern...

Lay the pattern pieces on an old box and trace around them. The chair seat and chair back patterns will need to be traced once and the chair side pattern will need to be traced twice.

Step 3: Cut...

Cut the pieces out of the cardboard box using a small box knife or an xacto knife.

Step 4: Decorating...

Before we glue the chair pieces together we need to cover each side with pattern scrapbook paper.

I used 7 12x12 sheets of Graphic 45 Paper. (2 each of 3 patterns and 1 of 1 pattern)

(or you can just paint the chair before or after putting it together)

Use glue (I used Beacon's collage glue) to adhere the cardboard to the paper. Put the glue on the cardboard and spread with your finger or an old gas card. Then lay the pieces on the paper.

Let dry, then cut the paper close to the cardboard.

Now choose a complimentary color or pattern to cover the other side of each piece. Add glue, let dry and trim excess paper around the cardboard.

Step 5: Assemble the Chair...

Use hot glue to assemble the parts of the chair.

1. first glue the back to one of the sides.

2. Now glue the seat to the back and the side. (see fifth photo for placement and back slope)

3. apply hot glue the the edges of the chair back and seat then carefully add the second chair side.

Your chair is done. Very simple and lots of fun when you use lots of different colors and patterns of paper.