Introduction: DIY 5V Linear Regulator

About: Currently am studying in CSE...interested in A.I. and robotics...

This is a 5v linear voltage regulator circuit.Input voltage should not be more then 35V.

Step 1: Test It on the Breadboard

Parts List :
1) LM7805

2) 100 nF (ceramic capasitor)

3) 10 uF (electrolite capasitor)

4)100 uF (electrolite capasitor)

5)Breadboard (optional)

Step 2: Connecting the Parts

Now put your LM7805 on your breadboard pin 1 is input voltage pin 2 ground pin 3 is output voltage
positive part of the 10uF capasitor should be connected with pin3 and a 100nF capasitor will connected with this in parallel. Then the positive part of the 100uF capasitor should be connected with pin1. The circuit is done.